Inaugural National Stair Climb
By Chief Walter Watson
October 10, 2015

Today, my daughter Kiley and I participated with hundreds of others including firefighters from around the country in the Inaugural National Stair Climb at Citi Field. We climbed a total of 2,200 steps, symbolizing the 110 stories of the World Trade Center (We also climbed down 2,200 steps, and while those steps didn't count in the official total, about half-way through they started to hurt just as much!).

Each participant climbed carrying a picture of one of the 343 FDNY firefighters who was lost on 9/11. At the finish line, each participant read the name of their firefighter over the stadium PA system and rang the bell symbolizing the completion of their mission. The climb paused twice for a moment of silence at the times the towers fell.

The event supported the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation and the FDNY Counseling Services Unit and raised over $60,000. It was a great thing to be part of.

Hyperlinks: CBS News
NFFF National Stair Climb Video